Help during Worship
Altar Guild
The two responsibilities before a church service are placing all items needed for the communion service on the altar and lighting the altar candles. After the church service, we extinguish the candles and either prepare the altar for the next service or wash and store all items used.
Time involved: approximately 10 minutes before and after the church service. We meet as a group about once a year.
Everyone is welcome to serve with us – women, men and families.
Communion Assistants
Communion assistants are scheduled to assist the Pastor with communion at each service. Usually, there are two assistants - one for the drinking cup of wine and one for the intinction or dipping cup. Adults and youth in confirmation class or older may volunteer to assist with communion. Pastor will provide instruction as needed for volunteers.
​Lectors read the lessons each Sunday during the services. One lector is scheduled for each service and the lessons are sent out prior to the service. Some additional time may be needed to review and practice the readings prior to Sunday’s services. All adults and youth are welcome to be lectors.
Ushers serve many functions in a church service. They are at the door welcoming us, to hand out bulletins, and to give directions as needed. They gather the offering and present it to the minister at the altar. They provide direction and assistance during the communion service. Men and women, adult and youth can all serve as an usher. There are no meetings. Training is done “on the job.” Ushers are asked to arrive 5-10 minutes before the service begins.
Assisting Minister
You assist the Pastor during the traditional worship service, get the schedule of the service from the Pastor prior to the worship service, review the bulletin for any changes and discuss announcements.
Prior to becoming an assisting minister, time is spent with the Pastor going over the role of the assistant. Qualifications include familiarity with Lutheran worship and doctrine, and good speaking ability.
Time involved: Length of the weekly traditional worship service.