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Getting Married at Immanuel
We are thrilled to congratulate you on your engagement!
Thank you for considering our church as a part of your special day. It is a true blessing for us to join you in this sacred journey of love and commitment before God. We are excited to support and guide you as you prepare to unite your lives in this beautiful covenant.
What is a Wedding?
A church wedding is, first and foremost, a service of worship. The community gathers to join the couple in worshipping Christ and giving thanks for God’s blessings. The couple share their vows in this worship setting, and present their marriage as an offering to God. The church is a house of prayer, a sacred space.
What is the “Rite of Marriage”
This sacred service is based on the approved resources used in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. The ELCA views marriage as a form of worship, and weddings as a liturgical service where the community can renew their covenant with faith. The church surrounds the promises of the couple with prayers, the word of God, and the gathering of God's people.
All weddings conducted by a pastor of Immanuel Lutheran Church are to be held in the Sanctuary of Immanuel Lutheran Church. In rare circumstances, a wedding may be held at another location.
In the case that friends or relatives are ministers, other clergy are welcomed to perform the ceremony at Immanuel Lutheran Church upon consent of our Pastor.

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